Getting ready to race...

- You should test your connection and erg setup days in advance of your race.
- TIME-TEAM will be able to connect for video for the live stream. You can also set up your own camera device as a back up. Read Section 6.2 of the Competitor Information Guide on this topic.
- Between two (2) hours and one (1) hour prior to your scheduled race start time, lightweight competitors are required to check-in with Race Officials to weigh in. There are two options:
- Option 1: Login to the ZOOM CIRC Virtual Weigh-in Room and weigh in online, or
- Option 2: Take a video stepping on scales with time stamp and send it to weighin@cdnindoorrowing.org Weigh-in videos received at Race Control will be approved and deemed ready to race.
Forty (40) minutes prior to your scheduled race time go to the TIME-TEAM Race portal and login with your unique login code.
Connect to video in TIME-TEAM for Live-Stream (or connect your back up camera device). The deadline to have the video connection working is 10 minutes prior to the start of your race.
- Continue your warm up race routine and get ready to race.
- 5 Minutes before the race, the pre-race lobby is locked for entry. Competitors who do not have a strong enough, stable internet connection at this time may be excluded from the race.
- You will see a five (5) minute to race warning, then a two (2) minute warning to race. At the 2 minute warning all competitors should be ready to race.
At the one (1) minute warning sit still with the flywheels not moving. The system can detect the movement and will wait until all flywheels are stopped.
On your own erg's PM Display, the start sequence will show "SIT READY, ATTENTION and then ROW.
- Row your race.
- The system can detect a false start (e.g. if someone in the race jumps ahead). If this happens all competitors will be instructed to stop rowing and line up again for a restart. The competitor who jumped ahead will be identified and may be given a yellow card. Multiple yellow cards may result in exclusion from the race.
If the boats on the live stream broadcast do not move, do not panic as it may be a delay in the display only. The TIME-TEAM race software continues to pick up the erg progress uninterrupted. Competitors should be reminded to continue racing no matter what is displayed on the laptop screens and only stop when they finish their distance or they are told by the Race official to stop.
- Do not use the ZOOM or Live Stream broadcast to do your start. Only the connection to TIME-TEAM Regatta platform will be in exact synch with other competitors.
- Any concerns can be sent to racereview@cdnindoorrowing.org within 30 minutes of your race.
If you need assistance with your setup, or connection, please contact our techguru@cdnindoorrowing.org