
CIRC will be different again from a volunteer perspective in 2022.   Typically we have so much fun unboxing new Concept2 ergometers and building them up ready to race. And of course the fun begins when all the racers start showing up to a smiling bunch behind the registration desk to pick up their Race Card before heading to the warm up area. 

The CIRC organizing Committee will be behind the scenes online making sure that racing at CIRC is fun and fair for all who compete.   We will ensure champions are crowned, personal bests are rowed and we will celebrate the hard work and glory of athleticism through the magic of technology and connection.

Our Chief Umpire is Lynda Dundas at officials@cdnindoorrowing.org .

If you are interested in helping us out with 2023 WRICH which will be hosted in Toronto-Mississauga on February 25-26, 2023 and have sport event experience and special talents let us know.  Contact CIRC Logistics and Operations Team Lead Michael Greig who can be reached at  volunteers@cdnindoorrowing.org